While new loans have been issued at significantly lower rates, older loans, even for priority sectors such as mechanical engineering, must still bear high interest rates, especially during a period of economic difficulties.
Banks have continued to record a decrease in the ratio of return on earning assets due to the lending interest rate cut to support COVID-19 affected customers.
Commercial banks have continuously announced lending interest rate reductions to support and accompany customers to overcome the adverse impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Saigon Thuong Tin Commercial Bank (Sacombank) has begun an issue of certificates of deposit (CDs) in Vietnamese dong at an attractive 8.5 per cent interest rate per year.
Inter-bank lending interest rates have continuously slipped to hit a new record low, according to the latest monetary report by Saigon Securities Incorporation’s (SSI) Retail Research.
The lending interest rate is expected to further expand with the interest rate reducing sharply in the inter-bank, central bank bill and G-bond markets over the past ten days.
The lending interest rate is currently equal to the 2005-06 rate thanks
to the flexible interest rate cap regulations the central bank has
applied since 2011, according to a report the bank released this week.